05 Aug, 2017
Hits: 3847
Beirut (Lebanon), 07/28/2017, Sr. Victoria Balteanu.- The JMJ experience in the Maronite Church of Lebanon was made in three steps: 15th till 18th; 19th till 23rd; and 24th till 26th. The church sent an invitation to the Maronite youth from all around the world, allowing them to reunite with their country.
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03 Aug, 2017
Hits: 3247

Morelia (Mexico), 08/02/2017, Sr. Janet Ceja, superior provincial, and Srs. councelors.- For a few months now, we got rolling in Morelia, the Provincial Project House Marie Poussepin, which brings with it many of our hopes. With God’s help, the construction is almost finished and with part of it completed, we are able now to welcome the first new students.

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19 Jul, 2017
Hits: 3093

Lima (Peru), 7/07/2017, Srs. Community of Año Nuevo.- As we celebrated the Teacher’s day in Peru on July 6th, we made the following reflection which we are going to share with you today: For the Education Community of “Fe y Alegría 10”, (faith and joy 10) the interaction between the school and the people around is very important to offer an education with quality.

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