06 Jul, 2017
Hits: 3456

Bucaramanga (Colombia), 06/16/2017, Sr. Luz Karime Mancipe Laguado.- This year the Faculty of Health Care in the “Universidad Industrial de Santander, UIS”, based in Bucaramanga, completed 50 years offering formation in science, ethics and humanism. A beautiful and moving historical survey of this Faculty of Health Care was the prelude for the posthumous recognition of a renowned daughter of Marie Poussepin, which took place on June 14, in Louis A. Calvo auditorium of this great educational center.

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04 Jul, 2017
Hits: 2780
Lima (Peru), 07/01/2017, Sr. Ofelia Quispe Huallpara, Provincial Superior of Los Andes.- Saint Rose of Lima continues walking paths of faith. As we are celebrating 400 years of Saint Rose of Lima’s death, her relics travel across different places of Peru as an example of a DOMINICAN LAY WOMAN.
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02 Jul, 2017
Hits: 3282
Lima (Peru), 29/06/2017, Srs. of the Province of Los Andes.- On June 28th night Fr. Juan José Salaverry OP, Prior of the Province of Saint John the Baptist in Peru, brought the relics of Saint Rose of Lima to our Provincial house in Lima. 
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