13 Oct, 2016
Hits: 4831

10/14/2016.- We wish you a happy feast of Marie Poussepin, our foundress. "Lord Almighty, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, we praise you, we bless you, we adore you, grant that by the imitation of Blessed MARIE POUSSEPIN we may be firm in faith, unwavering in hope, and generous in charity. Establish our souls in a living community of love and holiness, so that henceforth we may sing eternally a hymn of praise: Glory to the Father, Glory to the Son, Glory to the Holy Spirit. Amén."

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10 Oct, 2016
Hits: 3720

Haiti, 10/08/2016, Community of Notre Dame de la Présentation.- In the early days of October, we heard of Hurricane Matthew, passing through the Colombian coast and the force of its assault. The Haitian people were more focused on the long-awaited presidential elections finally fixed on Sunday 9 of the current month.

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09 Oct, 2016
Hits: 3433

Lima (Peru), 10/01/2016, Srs. from Los Andes.- With joy and a sincere attitude of communion, we welcomed Hna. Maria Escayola Coris, superior general, Sr. Mariamma Paul Ollukaran, Hna. Diana Gisela Dolorita, Hna. María Fabiola Duque Cifuentes and Hna. Rosario Garcés del Castillo, general councilors who have come for the canonical visit of the province of Los Andes.

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