La Grande Bretèche (Tours-France), Summer of 2016, Srs. Gemma Morató and Conchi García.- We offer the fourth chapter of the series that we are preparing on archives and mission of archivist.
Rome (Italy), January 2017, Sr. Ana Cecilia Villegas.– We, the team for the Means of Communication in the Congregation experienced a time of grace. From January 11 to 24 we met together in the Generalate in Rome to evaluate and analyze the proposals and suggestions from the first meeting of the MSC for evangelization, which was held in Medellin from October 19 to23 for the delegates from Latin America and El Caribe and also to participate in the Congress on the Mission of the Order from January 17 to 21.
Putaendo (Chile), 01/28/2017, Sr. Gabriela Vergara.- We, the sisters of the Delegation of Aconcagua (Chile and Argentina) met together in the Community of Putaendo, Chile, from January 25 to 27 for our first meeting for formation in MSC, which was organized by the team for the Means.