14 Nov, 2016
Hits: 3973

Lourdes (France), 11/13/2016, Redaction.- Sr. Veronique Margron was elected as president of the Conference of Religious in France (Corref) on Saturday, November 12, at Lourdes. The 59 year old religious has been Provincial Superior in France since 2013.

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09 Nov, 2016
Hits: 4055

Manizales (Colombia), September, 2016, Catholic University of Manizales.- The Congregation reaffirms the importance of its presence in the logo of the Catholic University of Manizales (UCM), its only university in the world. Sr. Maria Escayola Coris, Superior General and the General Councilors accompanied by Sr. Herminia Rincón Marín, Provincial Superior and some Sisters had a meeting with the UCM community in September during their canonical visit in the Province.

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08 Nov, 2016
Hits: 3277

La Grande Bretèche (Tours-France), Summer of 2016, Srs. Gemma Morató and Conchi García.- We offer the third chapter of the series that we are preparing on archives and mission of archivist.

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