03 Nov, 2016
Hits: 3168

Lima (Peru), 10/1-25/2016, Sr. Amparo Vélez Pérez.- The canonical visit of the General Government was a time of grace for us in the Province of Los Andes. It was a very special time to share with them the journey of the Congregation in Peru and Bolivia during the past 51 years, a mission accomplished with audacity, creativity and risk taking and in simplicity, work and poverty.

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01 Nov, 2016
Hits: 4516
Putaendo (Chile), 11/01/2016, Sr. Gabriela Vergara.- From October 28 to 30 the Missionaries of the Presentation were gathered at Marie Poussepin High School in Putaendo (Chile) for their annual formation meeting with the theme “go and preach”.
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17 Oct, 2016
Hits: 4057

Haití, 12/10/2016, Sr. Ana Patricia Londoño Flórez, administrator.- Surely all of us are tempted to think that Nature is teaching Haiti a lesson, but it is something that we are not so sure; on the contrary, yes, we are sure that that the Congregation and the Province have earnestly engaged and committed themselves to the people of Haiti and are in continuous discernment to give renewed responses according to the needs identified in our places of mission. On this last October 10, during the celebration to mark the functioning of “Marie Poussepin” Pediatric Center in Haiti for a year, we set up a clinical laboratory for the service of the community around. It will take care of not only the children who come for consultation at this center but also the children and adults coming for this service from other institutions as well.

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