22 Nov, 2016
Hits: 3756

Chile and Argentina, 10/28-11/17/2016, Sr. Gabriela Vergara.- The canonical visit to each community was begun with the Bible quote from Job 14: 7-9. Now, all of us in the Delegation of Aconcagua thank the Lord because, the presence of the Sisters of the General Government had been like water for each Sister, each Community and for the mission. It helps us to shoot out new branches and flower again in the soil of Chile and Argentina where we realize the mission entrusted to us.

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19 Nov, 2016
Hits: 2783

"The feast that we are going to celebrate invites us once again to contemplate the mystery of the Presentation of Our Lady in the temple; may this celebration be for us an opportunity to deepen in us the attitudes of the Virgin Mary and to imitate her example of total and exclusive dedication to God" (Sr. Maria Escayola, superior general).

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15 Nov, 2016
Hits: 3784

Fusagasuga (Colombia), 11/11/2016, the Community of Education at the School.- A great celebration of the 110 years of the existence of the Presentation School was held on October 27 and 28, with grateful recognition from the civil authorities, the Church of Fusagasuga and the accompaniment of the Province of Santafé.

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