28 Feb, 2023
Hits: 632

Venezuela, 02/28/2023, Sr. Nícida Díaz Leal.- Lent is an opportune time to decide to take seriously our discernment, our life before to the Lord and to our brothers and sisters. God makes it easy for us; but we complicate this itinerary, always looking for escapes from our human horizon, and we get mixed up with the spiritual worldliness that hardens the heart and closes the siege to our divine horizon. It is there that we find the strength and grace to live our conversion experience simply and gracefully.

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10 Feb, 2023
Hits: 801

Barcelona (Spain), 02/10/2023, Sr. Conchi García and Sr. Ana Isabel Pérez.- On February 7, in the community of Bellafila - "Projecte Maria, Reina de la Pau" of Barcelona, took place the presentation of the book "Curar (y cambiar) la Vida Consagrada", written by our Sister Gemma Morató i Sendra and published by Editorial del Perpetuo Socorro.

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08 Feb, 2023
Hits: 706

Bogota (Colombie), 02/08/2023, Sr. Nubia Yanet Chávez.- To remember these 150 years since the arrival of the Dominican Sisters of Charity of the Presentation in Colombia is to recognize the merciful presence of God in the history of so many people who have been reached by the Charity of Marie Poussepin in this beloved land. Like our sisters said 150 years ago: "We greet with enthusiasm this beautiful land that will be our new Homeland and where God has sent us to make it known and loved" (Taken from the Book The Presentation in Colombia Volume I, Sr. Rosa de Lima)

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