28 May, 2020
Hits: 2184

Santiago (Chile), 05/28/2020, Sr. Licarayén Torres.- With regard to the quarantine in which we have been living for almost two months in the vice-provincial house in Santiago de Chile, together with Sister Berta Tapia we began to gather an idea that was born from the search to accompany and be with the people who live this shivering time in different ways.

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27 May, 2020
Hits: 2295

Philippines, 05/27/2020, Sr. Emily Parimala.- Marie Poussepin, when she took up the responsibility of building the Congregation.., Congregation of Dominican sisters of charity of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin, all that she had in her hand was Hope; Hope in the Lord.

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26 May, 2020
Hits: 2144

Philippines, 05/25/2020, Sr. Ruby Clare Pulickal.- SHE SAW WHAT WAS RIGHT IN THE EYES OF GOD AND DID IT...

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