09 Jun, 2020
Hits: 2121

El Caribe, 06/09/2020, Sr. Berta Marín, province of El Caribe.- BONJOUR MARIE POUSSEPIN, JE SUIS SŒUR BERTA MARIN, AUJOURD’HUI, JE VEUX PARLE AVEC TOI… I want to tell you in this letter, how I met you...

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05 Jun, 2020
Hits: 1968

Philippines, 06/05/2020.- We are happy to present this video created for THI LE THUY NGUYEN Postulant from Vietnam. In the song we can hear the postulants and novices in the Philippines.

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04 Jun, 2020
Hits: 1988

Concón (Chile), 04604/2020, Sr. Jeny Obreque Maturana.- Last year, at the beginning of the celebration of the year of Grace for the Beatification of our Mother Foundress, in our school Maria Goretti in Concón, Chile, during the Eucharist, the Religion teacher and his students wanted to sing "She saw what was right in the eyes of God and she accomplished it", emphasizing only this phrase and at the end of the Eucharist the prayer to Marie Poussepin, also in the rhythm and style of youth… Here we share them.

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