11 Oct, 2023
Hits: 610

Tours (France), 10/11/2023, Sr. Rosario A. Garcés del Castillo.- On Monday, October 2nd, 2023 at 11 a.m. in the presence of the authorities of the Department, the City of Tours, the Regional Health Agency, the president and the Board of Admintration, the Director General of the Leopold Foundation Bellan, the staff of the EHPAD and of the Congregation, we gathered in the Auditorium for the official opening of the EHPAD de la Grande Bretèche.

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10 Oct, 2023
Hits: 887

Caracas (Venezuela), 10/10/2023, Sr. Nícida Díaz Leal.- The life of Marie Poussepin, her writings, and her work, leave between the lines that she was a woman inhabited and enabled by God. This reality certifies us that God called her for a special vocation. Found a work that dignifies life in the exercise of Charity.

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10 Oct, 2023
Hits: 651

Rome (Italy), 10/10/2023, Sr. Rosmery Castañeda, member of the Synod.-Good morning! Today is the first Sunday at the Synodal Assembly and in the Paul VI Hall in Rome. With the Word of God, I would like to express in a few lines what the first eight days of the Synod were like. By the Mercy of God, I can say that these days are wonderful, the meetings that we are experiencing in Church, “the Vine that He planted”.

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