02 Apr, 2017
Hits: 3457

Curundú (Panama), 03/29/2017, Sr. Ángela María Vélez.- To see the growth of a project fosters hope in those who enthusiastically gave life to it and decided on each one of the processes that promoted the integral development of its beneficiaries.

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12 Mar, 2017
Hits: 2981
Camporredondo (Perú), 03/12/2017, Sisters from the Community.- On Ash Wednesday the universal Church began its journey of Lent, a time of grace and conversion. The parish community of Camporredondo (Amazonas-Perú), welcomed enthusiastically the invitation to make a pilgrimage to the mountains where the Cross of Pucho, a significant religious place for the people, is situated.
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11 Mar, 2017
Hits: 3673
03/12/2017, Sisters from El Caribe.- We have no words to explain about the visit of the General Government to our Province. The only way to express it is to say “THANK YOU” and then it is left to us to interiorize it. May it motivate us to be attentive to the Holy Spirit who ceaselessly speaks to us and invites us to journey...!
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