07 Apr, 2017
Hits: 3206

Mocoa (Colombia), 04/03/2017, Sr. Maria Escayola, Superior General, and Community of General Government.-Mocoa is a Colombian municipality, capital of the Department of Putumayo, located in the south of the country, 618 Kilometers from Bogotá, capital of Colombia. An impoverished region, whose inhabitants live in a large area of high risk, which was surprised by heavy rains, in the evening hours of Friday, March 31st and the early morning of April 1st , 2017.

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02 Apr, 2017
Hits: 3490

Curundú (Panama), 03/29/2017, Sr. Ángela María Vélez.- To see the growth of a project fosters hope in those who enthusiastically gave life to it and decided on each one of the processes that promoted the integral development of its beneficiaries.

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12 Mar, 2017
Hits: 3015
Camporredondo (Perú), 03/12/2017, Sisters from the Community.- On Ash Wednesday the universal Church began its journey of Lent, a time of grace and conversion. The parish community of Camporredondo (Amazonas-Perú), welcomed enthusiastically the invitation to make a pilgrimage to the mountains where the Cross of Pucho, a significant religious place for the people, is situated.
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