26 Apr, 2017
Hits: 3217

Puerto Príncipe (Haiti), 04/21/2017, Sr. María Consuelo Gómez Botero.- The School St. Charles Borromeo of Porto Prince, (Haiti) organizes a yearly outing at the beach for its 64 challenged students. The High School students who sponsor these children, the volunteers, teachers and the logistical staff, accompany them in their trip. This year they chose the first week of Easter for this event.

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25 Apr, 2017
Hits: 2875

New York (USA), 04/17/2017, Sr. Laura Inés Niño.- In New York city, where the UNO (United Nations Organization) has its headquarters, the 61st session of the Commission for the Juridical Status of Women (CSW61) was held from March 13 - 24. Among the participants, there were nine Sisters from different Dominican Congregations and different countries: Nigeria, Pakistan, Vietnam, Mexico, Ireland, United States and Colombia. I, Hna. Laura Inés Niño Martínez, from Colombia, Province of Santafé was one of them.

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23 Apr, 2017
Hits: 3014

Medellin (Colombia), 04/23/2017, Sr. Marta Luz Arango.- On May 17th 1917, the crèche "Salas Cunas Medellin", formerly called "Drop of Milk " opened its doors, in a "big house" near the “placita de Flores”, to working mothers (mostly laundresses at that time ) to receive to their children during the working day.

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