25 Apr, 2017
Hits: 2830

New York (USA), 04/17/2017, Sr. Laura Inés Niño.- In New York city, where the UNO (United Nations Organization) has its headquarters, the 61st session of the Commission for the Juridical Status of Women (CSW61) was held from March 13 - 24. Among the participants, there were nine Sisters from different Dominican Congregations and different countries: Nigeria, Pakistan, Vietnam, Mexico, Ireland, United States and Colombia. I, Hna. Laura Inés Niño Martínez, from Colombia, Province of Santafé was one of them.

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23 Apr, 2017
Hits: 2966

Medellin (Colombia), 04/23/2017, Sr. Marta Luz Arango.- On May 17th 1917, the crèche "Salas Cunas Medellin", formerly called "Drop of Milk " opened its doors, in a "big house" near the “placita de Flores”, to working mothers (mostly laundresses at that time ) to receive to their children during the working day.

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22 Apr, 2017
Hits: 3594

Chulumani Sud Yungas - La Paz (Bolivia), 04/17/2017, Sr. María Magdalena Rojas Hoyos.- In Villa Remedios, a Community, part of the Region of Chulumani Sud Yungas, La Paz, Bolivia, celebrated Easter Sunday, on April 16, in a fraternal gathering which included Civil Authorities, Education and Health Institutions, as well as, Catechists and their respective communities.

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