22 Apr, 2017
Hits: 3410

Medellín (Colombia), 04/21/2017, Sr. Ofelia Uribe.- With much joy, responsibility and good will, the Province of Medellín got prepared to receive the canonical visit of the General Government, from February 25 to April 5, 2017. The Provincial House looked festive with all the details of fraternity and the greetings from each Sister were the best expression of the willingness of each one to live this time of hope and generosity.

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19 Apr, 2017
Hits: 3124

Guaimaca (Honduras), marzo 2017, Hna. Teresa Maria Abelló.- The 7 students of the last year of high school of the Marie Poussepin Center of Guaimaca (C.M.P.), in their social educational work (TES), participated in the campaign "Relay for Life". Event of the American Cancer Society, which is held at the end of March each year. They researched on cancer and prepared themselves to train all the other students and staff of the Marie Poussepin Center on Friday 24th.

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13 Apr, 2017
Hits: 3316
Medellin (Colombia), 04/13/2017, Sr. Ana Cecilia González Montoya.- Sr. Maria Escayola and the Sisters of the General Council made their visit to the Province of Medellin from February 24 to April 7, 2017.
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