05 May, 2017
Hits: 3137

Jalisco (Mexico), 03/14/2017, Sr. Claudia Ruvalcaba.- On March 10, 11 and 12 about 80 young people gathered at the facilities of the parish of Zalatitan, Jalisco, to have a different experience in their lives. They left aside their vacations, family trips and friends parties to get into the adventure of living the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus in a youthful atmosphere. 

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01 May, 2017
Hits: 2831

Santafé (Colombia), 04/19/2017, Sr. Gloria Mercedes Herrera.- A meeting of the members of the Lay Dominicans of the Presentation was organized by the coordinator of the Province of Santafé, on Saturday, March 25, gathering 48 members in the Provincial House. It began with the Eucharistic celebration. Once assembled together, Sr. Matilde Beltrán, provincial councilor, greeted them on behalf of the provincial government. 

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30 Apr, 2017
Hits: 3155

Pereira (Colombia), 04/03/2017, Sr. Marierka Milagros Santana.- Sr. Liliana Franco, from the Company of Mary and Chair of the Conference of Religious in Colombia (CRC), along with the Father Álvaro Betancourt, diocesan priest, guided the workshop that took place on April 01- 02, in the City of Pereira, Colombia, at De la Salle Brothers’ school. On April first, at 9:30 in the morning, religious men and women, and laity committed arrived at La Salle School, to participate in the workshop.

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