26 Mar, 2023
Hits: 952

Songkoy (Philippines), 26/03/2023, Sr. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Nga and Sr. Nguyen Thi Le Thuy.- “Here I am Lord, I come to do your will” (Ps 40: 8-9). With these words of the psalmist, we walked in procession into the Parish Church of Cristo Divino Tessoro Parish, Buenlag, accompanied by Sr. Maria Escayola Coris, our Superior General, Sr. Mariamma Paul Ollukaran, Sr. Ana Patricia Londono, General Councilors along with the sisters of the community of Songkoy and Malibay in the Philippines.

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07 Mar, 2023
Hits: 674

Madrid (Spain), 03/07/2023, Sr. Marta Elena Vélez, JPIC Delegate Spain- “BROKEN DREAMS” are the traces that the system of violence in which we live at a global and local level is leaving in each person that makes up humanity. Each one of us, with our own peculiarities, is part of this humanity that seemed to have "learned from so many wars and failures and was slowly moving towards different forms of integration. However, history shows signs of turning back” (Fratelli Tutti 10,11).

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04 Mar, 2023
Hits: 703

Medellín (Colombia), 03/04/2023, Sr. Ángela María Vélez Restrepo.- We are celebrating 50 years of missionary presence of the sisters in the Community of Riosucio. A foundation that was born of the missionary spirit and daring of many of our sisters who were able to go beyond the frontiers to answer the call of the Church through Monsignor Pedro Grau and Father Jesús Botero.

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