26 Jun, 2020
Hits: 2205

San José de los Nogales, Bogotá (Colombia), 06/26/2020.- As a collaboration in this Year of Grace, the Sisters of the community of San José de los Nogales, a community of elderly sisters of the Province of Bogotá, are participating with the realization of mandalas on Marie Poussepin.

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24 Jun, 2020
Hits: 2658

Songkoy (Philippines), 06/24/2020.- This video on Marie poussepin is the effort of the sisters of the International Community of Songkoy, Philippines, to mark the Year of Grace. There are seven sisters in this community of three nationalities: Africa, India and Philippines. 

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23 Jun, 2020
Hits: 2266

La Paz (Bolivia), 06/23/2020.- We share more creations made with love for Marie Poussepin from Bolivia.

Message dedicated to blessed Marie Poussepin

The birth of our BLESSED MARIE POUSSEPIN, loving religious who was born on October 14, 1653 in Dourdan France and died on January 24, 1744 in Sainville France, after having dedicated a large part of her life to those in need, that virtuous example It is the greatest legacy she left us. For you, who are surrounded by Angels from Heaven, we dedicate these words. They are nothing more than an acknowledgment of your great work in life, since there was no mistake of your holy gifts and we know that deep in your heart, you gave yourself, you had a shipment to carry out the Christian service that you did in society and especially to the poor who needed your unconditional support. 

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