08 Jul, 2020
Hits: 1768

Paris (France), 07/08/2020.- Sr. Martine Bourquin.- Hello Sisters, ladies and gentlemen! I just want to share with you some memories that I have about the beatification of Marie Poussepin. Well, I got an extraordinary opportunity to be able to go there. Really, I had been in the Congregation only for a few years and had made my perpetual vows only a year before the Beatification.

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07 Jul, 2020
Hits: 1856

Medellín (Colombia), 07/07/2020.- Sr. Blanca Marín Hoyos.- I still remember when Sr. Inés Mercedes Mejía, Superior General informed the Congregation about the Beatification of Marie Poussepin and at the same time, invited us to contemplate and thank for the “wonders of God” in the Congregation.

I felt that this invitation was a grace, a gift that the Lord was granting me to be able to participate in its preparation and celebration from the very heart of the Congregation and the heart of the Church, as I was studying in Rome at that time. I remember that with much joy and as a community, we prepared the materials concerning the Beatification to be sent to the different Provinces and at the same time we prepared ourselves spiritually by prayer and rereading the story of Marie Poussepin and her life of charity to celebrate this event of grace for the Congregation.

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06 Jul, 2020
Hits: 1670

Colegio Santo Domingo de Guzmán, Valparaíso (Chile), 07/06/2020, Marcia Vilches Pérez.- Dear Marie Poussepin, in this year that we celebrate a year of Grace for your Beatification, this message is addressed to you, in order to thank you, for the accompaniment given, through your intercession to my son. When I was pregnant with my first and only child, and for some fortuitous reason, already in the seventh month of gestation, starting what is called in Chile, the pre-natal time, my water breaks, triggering labor. My son "Martin" is born prematurely at 33 weeks, on June 2, 1997, with many complications, among which, was the poor oxygenation from a problem in his heart. He had to have emergency surgery. 

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