24 Mar, 2020
Hits: 1738

Roma (Italy), 03/24/2020, Coordination Team of Year of Grace.- Unusually, during these days, most of the world - the global village that Aetatis Novae was already talking about in 1992 - is in quarantine for the coronavirus (COVID-19). In addition to intensifying prayer and putting in God's hands this world in which suffering is aggravated, it is convenient and healthy to seek daily activities to help cope with confinement. Therefore, with this proposal, we encourage you to dedicate a part of time to discover the most artistic part of your life.

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20 Mar, 2020
Hits: 2200
2 EN Sr. Lucienne Bonkoungou Download
By SR. LUCIENNE BONKOUNGOU (Burkina Faso).- Marie Poussepin, daughter inspired by Providence, strengthened by her experiences in the family, church and charitable services, founded her community of the Third Order of St. Dominic, to live the Gospel with her sisters in an original way, as she presents it in chapter 1 of her Rules : 
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18 Mar, 2020
Hits: 2248
1 EN H. Blanca Aurora Marin Download
By SR. BLANCA AURORA MARÍN HOYOS (Colombia).- To speak about the creative charity of Marie Poussepin means to go back to the General Rules of Sainville, in which we find the gospel foundation for her service of charity, witness and legacy to the Congregation. 
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