23 May, 2017
Hits: 3559
Bogotá (Colombia), 05/20/2017, Sr. Luz Marina Socha Gómez.- The Community of Sans Façon, College of the Presentation, joyfully, the May 20, welcomes 90 sisters of the Province of Santafé, who came from different areas of Colombia where they are in mission, to celebrate the 37 years of existence of the Province.
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22 May, 2017
Hits: 2878

Lima (Peru), 05/20/2017, Sr. Amparo Vélez.- The Means of Social Communication MSC are catching up with us, but we are also catching up to them! And it is not always the young who are doing it, but as it is the case at this time in our Province of Los Andes, 81 year old Sr. Rosa Inés del Sagrado Corazón, a member of the Hospitality Community in Lima, who has been a bit challenged for some time now in her eye-sight, who by her missionary fire and love for the Virgin Mary, has incurred with courage into the MSC.

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21 May, 2017
Hits: 2934

Paris (France), 05/20/2017, Redaction.- Two books of Sr. Veronique Margron have just come out: Fidélité-infidélité, question vive and La Parole est tout près de ton cœur.

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