19 May, 2017
Hits: 3555

Medellin (Colombia), 04/20/2017, Sr. Adith Sofía Escobar Mora.- The Health Sector in Colombia goes through difficult times, but El Rosario Clinic in its desire to provide a high quality service to its users, with a humanized, comprehensive, efficient and safe care, planned the construction of new areas on the ninth floor of the Headquarters Medical Tower. 

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18 May, 2017
Hits: 3082

Santiago (Chile), 04/27/2017, Sr. Gabriela Vergara.- On April 24th and 25th at the Extension Center of the Catholic University of Chile in Santiago, the IV Seminar on Church Communication was held, whose motto was "Communication in order to build a culture of Encounter". The seminar was prepared by the Episcopal Conference, along with the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. It had Speakers specialized in the area of Social Communication and Journalism. They contributed, in a very experiential way, with their visions and specialties to the achievement of the objectives proposed by this formation committee.

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17 May, 2017
Hits: 2859

Lima (Perú), 05/17/2017, Sr. Patricia Avendaño Álvarez.- The Pilgrimage of the Relics of Saint Rose of Lima, in the months of July through October, is one of the activities which the Dominican Family has organized in Perú as part of the celebration of the 400 Year-Jubilee of her death.

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