10 Jun, 2017
Hits: 3354

Dalmadih (India), 06/10/2017, Project's Group of the Solidarity.- Dalmadih Tribal Development Project is run by Dominican sisters of the presentation in Dalmadih village of Gumla district in Jharkhand, India. The sisters had been here from 1996 and involved in various developmental work. We started a project in the year 2010 exclusively for the development of the tribal group of 28 tolas of 9 revenue villages.

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08 Jun, 2017
Hits: 3303

Barcelona (Spain), 06/10/2017, Srs. Gemma Morató and Conchi García.- In 2007, we inaugurated the web page www.elarbolgrita.com, dedicated to the paintings and sculptures of Sr. Marie Séraphie (1915-2017), a Dominican Sister of the Presentation and a well known artist.

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02 Jun, 2017
Hits: 2921

Bogotá, D.C (Colombia), 06/01/2017, Sr. Luz Marina Socha Gómez.- In an attitude of faith, hope and joy Sr. Leidy Viviany Moreno Garzón chose Christ anew. To begin the month of June in the joy of the renewal of vows of Sr. Leidy Viviany is a gift of blessing for the Province of Santafe, the Congregation and the Church.

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