16 Dec, 2016
Hits: 3699

Barcelona (Spain), 12/14/2016, Sr. Gemma Morató and Sr. Conchi García.- The Canonical visit of the General Government came to an end with the meeting of the two councils. Sr. Maria Escayola, Superior General accompanied by Sisters, Blanca Aurora Marín and Diana Dolorita, General Councillors, shared with all the sisters and got to know the actual life and mission.

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15 Dec, 2016
Hits: 3783

Zulia (Venezuela), 12/08/2016, Srs. from El Caribe.-During the preparation for the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the patroness of Sierra Maestra Parish at Zulia, Venezuela, on this December 8th, the Feast of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, the Province of El Caribe celebrated with joy and gratitude the First Religious Profession of Sister Mayleana Mayliuw Pérez Valero.

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15 Dec, 2016
Hits: 3686

Badalona (Spain), 11/21/2016, Community of Bufalà-Roca i Pi.-Today is a big feast day for our Community as well as for the Congregation throughout the world. Here, in the Home for the elderly in Roca i Pi, the Community received many feast day wishes from the residents, the institution, the personnel who Works in the house, some families who knew that the sisters are celebrating their feast today and the members of the Christian Community of our parish, who always had participated in the Eucharist with us on this day and in whose presence we had been renewing our vows.

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