05 Oct, 2023
Hits: 1218

Roma (Italy), 10/05/2023, Sr. Rosmery Castañeda, member of the Synod.- “In the sound of a gentle breeze.” (1Ki 19:12), in a “sound thread of silence”.

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04 Oct, 2023
Hits: 777

Rome (Italy), 10/08/2023, Sr. Victoria Bălteanu.- We were in a very deep and great moment of prayer during the ecumenical vigil on the eve of the Synod. We are all invited in this synodal time to accompany Pope Francis and all the members of the Synod, of every race, color, culture, religion, in the discovery of unity and peace throughout the world. Pope Francis told us: “in the comforting confidence that we have the Holy Spirit as master, he is the protagonist, the interior master of each one and the master of walking together. He creates variety and unity; He is harmony itself. »

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04 Oct, 2023
Hits: 743

Bagdad (Iraq), 10/04/2023, Sr. María Ángeles Flores.- The canonical visit to the Vice-Province of the Middle East continues: from September 25 to October 3, sisters María Escayola and Ana Patricia Londoño, accompanied by Sr. Bernadette Youssef, made another stage of the visit.

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