03 Aug, 2020
Hits: 2263

Manizales (Colombia), 08/04/2020.- We present "Un cuento que no es cuento" ("A story that is not a story") made by Sister Jessica Alvarez Rocha from the Province of Manizales. Her goal is to make Marie Poussepin known to the children of the school where she works. Her intention is to continue the story.

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02 Aug, 2020
Hits: 2063
Cuba, Community Perico, 08/02/2020, Sr. Gladis Rodríguez Estepa.-
Blessed Marie Poussepin: We celebrate 25 years of grace of her beatification.
In the spirituality of St. Dominic of Guzman, the Church proclaims her as:
Social Apostle of Charity. All the sisters are invited to follow her, imitating her.
Virtues, a true testimony of her life.
Tenderness and vigilance; educating the children and young people who come to us with a thirst of
God. Love for Jesus Christ and our most needy brothers and sisters in the difficult situation of the shadow of death, sickness and the cross in which we live.
We look forward to seeking a way of light and hope.
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01 Aug, 2020
Hits: 2411
Roma (Italy), Sr. Joanna Fernandes, General Treasurer, 08/01/2020.-

A Witness to History

Some people remember every event: they know who was there, what they said, what they wore, if they were laughing, smiling or sad, etc. I am not one of those. I am lucky I remember my feelings. It is some of these feelings that I want to share with you as a “witness” to the beatification of Marie Poussepin.

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