19 Aug, 2020
Hits: 1972

Colombia, 08/19/2020, text: Adrián Ricardo Cabrera, video: Samuel Cabrera Cruz.- Marie Poussepin: She knew how to listen to the voice of God by abandoning herself completely to Him. To speak about Marie Poussepin is to immerse oneself in the richness of her charism, a charism that has been revitalized and has remained valid in history, the history of the people of God. Many generations have been nourishing from Marie Poussepin's charism, those who have been the recipients of her evangelizing mission: the sick, the children, the poor, the weak; those who perhaps are hopeless because they expect nothing from society or life, but who wish to know the ministries of Jesus Christ; and the charism of Marie Poussepin is always alive, announcing the Kingdom through charity.

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18 Aug, 2020
Hits: 1825

Chile, 08/18/2020.- From Chile we receive two testimonies of love towards the charism of Marie Poussepin.


Putaendo (Chile), María Cristina Contreras Muñoz, Lay Missionary Presentation.- My name is Maria Cristina Contreras, I would like to share with you my experience of spiritual life and about meeting Marie Poussepin in my life. Since I was a child, my parents gave me the studies in the Mercedarian Sisters where I received academic and religious formation, they led me to discover a GOD LOVE. Time went by and in 1995 I went to Santiago to study Pedagogy in Religion. Through the study of the WORD OF GOD, the desire to make Jesus known to other people was awakened in me; to make them see His presence in their lives, so that they could experience His love in every event they experienced.

I received an invitation, from some students of the course, to go to the missions on the big island of Chiloé (in the south of Chile), I was happy, because it was the way to bring Jesus to others, without a doubt God has his plans for each one of us and it was there that I discovered that I wanted to be a Missionary. So, from that day on I began my MISSIONARY WAY TAKEN BY THE HAND OF JESUS AND HE HAS NEVER RELEASED ME.

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17 Aug, 2020
Hits: 1972

Piedecuesta (Colombia), 08/17/2020, Sr. Cecilia Remolina Vargas.- Marie Poussepin, a woman with a lucid mind, who knows how to "see what is right in the eyes of God", acts with audacity, creativity, with a willingness to seek solutions that are appropriate to the needs of her time. 

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