11 Aug, 2020
Hits: 2002

Piedecuesta (Colombia), 08/11/2020, José Julián Carreño Zambrano.- TO YOU, MOTHER...

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11 Aug, 2020
Hits: 2054

Cúcuta (Colombia), 08/11/2020, Lay group of Cúcuta.- Marie Poussepin, she leaves deep traces in us: The service to the needy, the link to our Parish and the Diocese of Cúcuta. Today, faithful to the Charism of Marie Poussepin, every day we are passionate about sowing seeds of Faith, Hope and Charity in our Families and in the Communities we ministry.

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10 Aug, 2020
Hits: 1861

Chile, 08/10/2020, Sr. Hilda Angélica Aguilera Barrera.-

The Desert has flourished,
Your Grace's rain has dressed the sand in color …

My Colombian and Chilean Sisters came to Vallenar to evangelize this Northeastern Atacama land, full of mysteries and silences, bringing in their hearts, their words and their gestures the seeds of Marie Poussepin's Charism. Her motto was to sow, serve, spread the seeds generously, leaving the end result of the harvest to the owner of the harvest.

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