11 Sep, 2020
Hits: 2441


1. EN Sr. María Dolores García Download

By SR. MARÍA DOLORES GARCÍA MAQUÍVAR* (SPAIN).- Caring for our “common home” seems to be, at first sight, a theme for our time, a theme very foreign to the mentality and the concerns of a woman who spent her life in a small geographical area, in the XVII and XVIII centuries in Europe. And without doubt, in its general plan and current perspective, it is so much a theme of today that we may ask ourselves whether there is any relationship at all between Marie Poussepin and a problem very strange to her time… whether in reality it was totally foreign to her time.

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05 Sep, 2020
Hits: 1908
Nagpur (India), 09/05/2020, Sr. Philomina Vengachottil.- 

My cherished memories… 

The year 1994 marked a great milestone, a momentum in the life of the Congregation and in every Sister of Charity of the Presentation. A year of grace, filled with gratitude! Marie Poussepin was elevated among the Blessed in heaven. That year was a real gift of God for me, since I was asked to go to our Mother House in France to attend the course in CEMP (Marie Poussepin Study Centre) along with Sr. Selina Parakadath. A privileged year for both of us. 

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31 Aug, 2020
Hits: 1984

Reus (Spain), 08/31/2020, Sr. Conchi García.- On the occasion of the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Beatification of Marie Poussepin, the pastoral team thought of doing something from the school "La Presentació" in Reus (Tarragona). They worked and insisted a lot on the figure of Marie Poussepin and asked each of the students to develop their "genius" to make known or express well who she was. They had all the possibilities: stories, drawings, poems, videos, representations...; they worked with a lot of enthusiasm and some of them presented a good work with a lot of originality, within the capacities of each one and depending on the age that oscillated between 10 and 12 years old. We present some of them for you to enjoy.

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