29 Aug, 2020
Hits: 2268

Perú and Bolivia, 08/29/2020, Marie Poussepin Laity.- The year 2020 has brought us great testing times that have made our gaze turn to the merciful God and cry out for his protection in the face of a pandemic that is damaging the lives of many people, without discrimination against social status, race or religion. However, we have great hopes and joys in the face of these great sufferings.

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26 Aug, 2020
Hits: 2054

Bogotá (Colombia), 08/26/2020, Sr. Ana Isabel Blanco Estupiñan.- Psalm prayer, 25 years since the beatification of Marie Poussepin.

Thank you, Father of Love, for this gift to the Church.
in the humble, pious and charitable Marie Poussepin;
her spirit of charity is prolonged in time,
in space, in the life of each sister,
in the community and in new missionary research.

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26 Aug, 2020
Hits: 2406

USA, 08/26/2020, Mary Lou Reinhagen, Lay associate.- Dear Sisters and Associates, in the portrait of Blessed Marie Poussepin, there is a twinkle in her eye, and a warm smile emitting from her inner being.  May we all be blessed by that deep serenity, courage and wisdom which can only come from God.

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