Rome (Italy), 03/09/2015, Sr. Maria Escayola, Superior General.- With joy I present to you this new stage in the history of the webpage of the Congregation, after a time of rest and renewal. At every meeting or reunion during these recent years the need to venture into the world of Social Means of Communication has been stressed as the "new means for evangelization," to carry everywhere the knowledge of Jesus Christ and his mysteries, according to the desire expressed by Marie Poussepin since the beginning of her foundation.
Bogotá (Colombia), 03/03/2016, Sr. Juliana Alejandra Triana Palomino.- In the Institution for Social Work Education "Las Colinas", a group of children from 4 and 5 grades will travel in time and arrive in the seventeenth century to investigate the therapeutic and medicinal practices of the time, practiced individually in a French town called Sainville. During one year, these great researchers will dedicate to learn botanical, chemical, physical and epidemiological terms; they will speak without difficulty on erythrocytes and will illustrate on bacteria and other "invisible enemies", the "asepsis" even pronounced with difficulty, will be a subject for analysis in these small giants of 1.40m tall, with immense desire to learn.